In second grade our teacher asked us to paint pictures of what we dreamed about being when we grew up. I was on a huge platform talking to a giant crowd. I wanted to be like my Dad, a trial lawyer and Congressman from Pittsburgh. So I fought my shyness by talking to strangers in the post office, gas stations and grocery stores – and followed up with public speaking, acting and voice lessons. 

I discovered my bravery by standing up for crime victims as a federal prosecutor. A 16-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted. Labor union members whose president stole their dues. A bank teller who was six months pregnant and had a robber aim a shotgun at her stomach. 

I'm most proud of helping people be brave: a start-up CEO confronting doubts about his leadership ability. A consulting firm CEO facing internal critics who claimed he was mismanaging a crisis. A team member wrongly believing she was overmatched in her role.  

My mission: unlock the bravery inside you, your team, your company.

As a commercial and investment banker, start-up CFO, major law firm partner and communications advisor to Fortune 500 companies and private equity and law firms, I absorbed why companies and employees must be brave.  Now I want to help others be brave!

My STAND BRAVE™ framework offers a roadmap for you to act bravely and guide your teams and company to create brave cultures. 

My framework inspires brave leaders and employees who are proud to take calculated risks, find solutions faster and create leading-edge products and services.

My book The Instant Survivor: Right Ways to Respond When Things Go Wrong offers a simple, actionable framework based on proven business practices so you can face and resolve your challenges.

In-depth profiles of Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts, former Boston Red Sox manager Terry “Tito” Francona, and other well-known personalities highlight bravery in action.

I live near Washington DC, where going to the theater, playing tennis and joining protests against the Iran regime are a few of my favorite pastimes. I also enjoy hiking and biking in our national parks.

Author of top-selling book The Instant Survivor: Right Ways to Respond When Things Go Wrong, which details formula for bravely facing a crisis

Leader in crisis practices of two major US communications firms

Advisor to C-Suite executives on bravely pursuing and achieving their strategic goals

Assistant US Attorney who won every federal court criminal prosecution he led and helped over one hundred witnesses to overcome their fears and testify successfully

Regular legal and business commentator on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business, Court TV

CEO and Founder of BRAVECULTURE LLC which advises leaders, teams and companies how to be brave and create brave cultures